  1. #work

    Abstract: Atmospheric metal features in the spectra of white dwarfs are regarded as anomalies, because any primordial metal in WDs would sink rapidly in short timescale as long as the stars are not hot enough. It is believed that this atmospheric pollution is mainly due to the accretion of the circumstellar matters, such as a debris disk inferred from their infrared excess in the spectra. To date, many samples of polluted WDs have been reported, and theories are put forward to explaining the detected results. This review summarises the developments both in theory and observation of this topic. A comparison of models and comments are also included as the last part of this article.

  2. #评与测



  3. #TRPG

    一个COC的短团,三个人都是萌新,笔者是KP. 在皮个不停的PC折腾下,不停开主角光环才算成功跑完了一次团没撕卡,此文来自当时的跑团记录。让我记录下这有趣的故事.jpg

  4. #笔记

    使用教材:An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics


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